Back in 1971, The Keep America Beautiful organization teamed up with the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to create Keep American Beautiful Day.  It was expanded in 1982 to a week, and then to the entire month of April in 1984. As spring takes hold of the weather and the landscape awaken with the greening of trees and grasses, the blooming of wildflowers and the melodies of nesting songbirds, we, too, ought to take special notice of our beautiful environment—and do something to, as they say, keep it beautiful.

A 2021 Keep America Beautiful clean-up team (photo by Ben Nelson)

Keeping America Beautiful was a cause well before 1971, however.  The Keep America Beautiful (KAB) organization began in 1953 in New York City with the goal of preventing litter. It was in the same year as the first Keep America Beautiful Day, that KAB developed one of the most successful public service announcements ever.  It featured a Native American who paddled his canoe down a polluted stream and stopped at a litter-strewn shore.  A passing motorist threw a bag of trash that landed at the Native American’s feet.  At the end, he turned to face the camera and shed a single tear.

One of the leaders of the early drive to beautify America was Lady Bird Johnson, wife of president Lyndon Baines Johnson.  As First Lady during the mid 1960s, she chose beautifying the countryside as one of her key initiatives (learn more about her here).  Her timing couldn’t have been  better, as the late 60s and early 70s was a time of environmental awakening in the U.S. and around the world.

Lady Bird Johnson in 1990 (photo by Frank Wolfe)

Another aspect of keeping the joint beautiful—and sustainable—also traces to April.  The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970.  The brainchild of U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson, Earth Day was intended to be a one-off (learn more about him here).  As we all know, Earth Day has occurred every year since then, has expanded to be a global celebration and continues to inspire us to treat the earth better (learn more about Earth Day here).

And it has all been working.  KAB reported in a major review of littering in 2020 that there are 50 billion pieces of litter despoiling our roadsides and riverbanks.  That’s a big number, but they counted carefully—only 6 billion of them are bigger than four inches.  The good news is that the amount of litter is down 54% since their previous 2009 study.  

A 2013 Earth Day celebration in Kobe, Japan (photo by MtiK)

Forget the statistics.  We all know that we want a beautiful world, and that litter is ugly.  So, how about helping to solve the problem.  Remember, every litter bit helps!


Keep America Beautiful.  2020 Litter Study.  Available at:  Accessed March 28, 2923.

National Day Calendar.  Keep America Beautiful Month — April.  Available at:  Accessed March 28, 20o23.

This Month in Conservation

September 1
Martha, the last Passenger Pigeon, Died (1914)
September 2
President Roosevelt Dedicated Great Smoky National Park (1940)
September 3
Wilderness Act passed (1964)
September 4
Fort Bragg, Home of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers, Established (1918)
September 5
UNESCO Established First World Heritage Sites (1978)
September 6
Alcide d’Orbigny, French Naturalist, Born (1802)
September 7
Edward Birge, Father of Limnology, born (1851)
September 8
UN Millennium Declaration ratified (2000)
September 9
First “Bug” Found in Computer (1945)
September 10
Henry Hardtner, Father of Southern Forestry, Born (1870)
September 11
World Wildlife Fund Began Operations (1961)
September 12
Canyonlands National Park Established (1964)
September 13
Walter Reed born (1851)
September 14
Marc Reisner, Author of Cadillac Desert (1948)
September 15
Darwin reaches the Galapagos Islands (1835)
September 16
Ed Begley Jr., Environmental Advocate, born (1949)
September 17
Edgar Wayburn, Wilderness Advocate, Born (1906)
September 18
Grey Owl, Pioneering Conservationist in Canada, Born (1888)
September 19
Urmas Tartes, Estonian Nature Photographer, born (1963)
September 20
AAAS Founded (1848)
September 21
Assateague Island National Seashore Created (1965)
September 22
Peace Corps becomes law (1961)
September 23
Rose Selected as U.S. National Flower (1986)
September 24
President Kennedy Dedicated Pinchot Institute (1963)
September 25
Pope Francis Addressed the UN on the Environment (2015)
September 26
Johnny Appleseed Born (1774)
September 27
“Silent Spring” Published (1962)
September 28
National Public Lands Day
September 29
Steinhart Aquarium opens (1923)
September 30
Hoover Dam Dedicated (1935)
January February March April May June July August September October November December