
April 1 — Wangari Maathai, Kenyan Conservationist, Born (1940)

April 2 — Maria Sibylla Merian, German Entomologist, Born (1647)

April 3 — Jane Goodall, Chimpanzee Researcher, Born (1934)

April 4 — “The Good Life” Begins Airing (1975)

April 5 — Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Created (1933)

April 6 — American Museum of Natural History Founded (1869)

April 7 — World Health Day

April 8 — A Tribute to the Endangered Species Act

April 9 — Jim Fowler, “Wild Kingdom” Co-host, Born (1932)

April 10 — Arbor Day First Celebrated (1872)

April 11 — Ian Redmond, Primatologist, Born (1954)

April 12 — Arches National Monument Created (1929)

April 13 — First Elephant Arrives in U.S. (1796)

April 14 — Black Sunday Dust Storm (1935)

April 15 — Nikolaas Tinbergen, Animal Behaviorist, Born (1907)

April 16 — Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing Arrive in U.S. (1972)

April 17 — Ford Mustang Introduced (1964)

April 18 — Natural History Museum, London, Opened (1881)

April 19 — E. Lucy Braun, Plant Ecologist, Born (1889)

April 20 — Gro Harlem Brundtland, Godmother of Sustainable Development, Born (1939)

April 21 — John Muir, Father of American Conservation, Born (1838)

April 22 — The First Earth Day (1970)

April 23 — World Book Day

April 24 — Tomitaro Makino, Father of Japanese Botany, Born (1862)

April 25 — Theodore Roosevelt National Park Established (1947)

April 26 — John James Audubon Born (1785)

April 27 — Soil Conservation Service Created (1935)

April 28 — Mexican Gray Wolf Listed as Endangered (1976)

April 28 — Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Announced (1986)

April 29 — Emmeline Moore, Pioneering Fisheries Scientist, Born (1872)

April 29 — Dancing with Nature’s Stars

April 30 — First State Hunting License Fee Enacted (1864)

This Month in Conservation

February 1
Afobaka Dam and Operation Gwamba (1964)
February 2
Groundhog Day
February 3
Spencer Fullerton Baird, First U.S. Fish Commissioner, Born (1823)
February 3
George Adamson, African Lion Rehabilitator, Born (1906)
February 4
Congress Overrides President Reagan’s Veto of Clean Water Act (1987)
February 5
National Wildlife Federation Created (1936)
February 6
Colin Murdoch, Inventor of the Tranquilizer Gun, Born (1929)
February 7
Karl August Mobius, Ecology Pioneer, Born (1825)
February 8
President Johnson Addresses Congress about Conservation (1965)
February 8
Lisa Perez Jackson, Environmental Leader, Born (1982)
February 9
U.S. Fish Commission Created (1871)
February 10
Frances Moore Lappe, author of Diet for a Small Planet, born (1944)
February 11
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
February 12
Judge Boldt Affirms Native American Fishing Rights (1974)
February 13
Thomas Malthus Born (1766)
February 14
Nature’s Faithful Lovers
February 15
Complete Human Genome Published (2001)
February 16
Kyoto Protocol, Controlling Greenhouse-Gas Emissions, Begins (2005)
February 16
Alvaro Ugalde, Father of Costa Rica’s National Parks, Born (1946)
February 17
Sombath Somphone, Laotian Environmentalist, Born (1952)
February 17
R. A. Fischer, Statistician, Born (1890)
February 18
World Pangolin Day
February 18
Julia Butterfly Hill, Tree-Sitter, Born (1974)
February 19
Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial Established (1962)
February 20
Ansel Adams, Nature Photographer, Born (1902)
February 21
Carolina Parakeet Goes Extinct (1918)
February 22
Nile Day
February 23
Italy’s Largest Inland Oil Spill (2010)
February 24
Joseph Banks, British Botanist, Born (1743)
February 25
First Federal Timber Act Passed (1799)
February 26
Four National Parks Established (1917-1929)
February 27
International Polar Bear Day
February 28
Watson and Crick Discover The Double Helix (1953)
February 29
Nature’s Famous Leapers
January February March April May June July August September October November December